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پزشکی بیورزونانس

به پست وبلاگ ما در مورد “پزشکی بیورزونانس” خوش آمدید – زمینه ای جذاب که اصول پزشکی و رزونانس را با هم ترکیب می کند. در این پست، ما به دنیای شگفت‌انگیز پزشکی بیورزونانس...

سپتامبر 24, 2024By sh Tajik

لمس درمانی

لمس درمانی (Therapeutic touch): با لمس درمانی، یک پزشک میدان انرژی خود را با شما هماهنگ می‌کند تا اختلالات در «جریان انرژی» متعادل شود و قدرت شفابخش بدن شما بتواند آزادانه کار کند. دست‌های...

دسامبر 10, 2023By sh Tajik

مراکز انرژی یا چاکراها کجاست

. مراکز انرژی یا چاکراها (Energy Centers or Chakras): مراکز انرژی یا چاکراها به نقاط معینی در بدن اطلاق می‌شود که به عنوان مراکز تنظیمی انرژی در نظر گرفته می‌شوند. این مراکز معمولاً در نقاط...

نوامبر 21, 2023By sh Tajik

نقطه طب سوزنی چیست؟

فرضیه‌های متعددی در مورد اینکه چه چیزی یک نقطه طب سوزنی (AP) را تشکیل می‌دهد، ارائه شده است و چندین نظریه وجود دارد که مکانیسم‌های احتمالی را در مورد چگونگی کارکرد طب سوزنی پیشنهاد می‌کنند. اگرچه...

نوامبر 21, 2023By sh Tajik

تکنیک های پزشکی جایگزین

تکنیک‌ها و تمرینات مبتنی بر تغییر و تحول بر بدن (Manipulation and body-based practices) . ماساژ (Massage)  . کاپینگ (Cupping) . رفلکسولوژی (Reflexology) . دستکاری کایروپراکتیک یا استئوپاتیک...

نوامبر 2, 2023By sh Tajik

Plane Coil Frequency Wave Therapy

Plane Coil Frequency Wave Therapy AUTHORS : Kudaev1 A.E. | Khodareva 1,2 N.K. | Vinokurov1 V.V. | Barsukova1 L.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Medical Center for Innovative...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Autoimmune diseases and pathogens

Autoimmune diseases and pathogens AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. | Vlasyuk V.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Use of peptides in ART and BRT

Use of peptides in ART and BRT AUTHORS : Postnikova O.A. | Postnikova E.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Homeopathy and Electropuncture Medicine IPK FMBA MH RF, Moscow, Russia...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

The evolution of drug testing

The evolution of drug testing AUTHORS : Gotovsky M.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2017   By a drug test (MT) we mean any...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical cases of relaxation

Clinical cases of relaxation AUTHORS : Murakami H. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : IMC Clinic, Yokohama, Japan YEAR : 2017   It is usually difficult to find the reasons for the...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Benefits of color light therapy

Benefits of color light therapy AUTHORS : Orlov1 Yu.N. | Bocharov2 D.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Rostov-on-Don, 2Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2017  ...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Everyday “exotic”

Everyday “exotic” AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2017   Sharing our experience with colleagues, we all, as a rule, talk...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Anvarul Azim MD RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Doctor Azim”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2017   For many years, at the Doctor Azim LLC clinic, we have been...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Hahnemann and Beranger

Hahnemann and Beranger AUTHORS : Karpeev A.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : National Council for Homeopathy, Moscow YEAR : 2017   RESUME The essay presents impressions and...

سپتامبر 22, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

An individual-typological (constitutional) approach to nutrition and adequate choice of food products with positions of academic and traditional medicine. Publication 1: Constitutional Approaches to the Body, Causes of Illness and Food Choices in Western Medical Tradition

An individual-typological (constitutional) approach to nutrition and adequate choice of food products with positions of academic and traditional medicine. Publication 1: Constitutional Approaches...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Getting rid of addiction

Getting rid of addiction AUTHORS : Rybko IN. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Kursk, Russia YEAR : 2016   Introduction This work draws your attention to the problem of mind control using...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Variety of energy of the Earth

Variety of energy of the Earth AUTHORS : Troigut H. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Honorary President of the German Energy and Information Society medicine, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany YEAR :...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Conclusions from everyday practice

Conclusions from everyday practice AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2016   When working with patients, there are various situations:...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Curing the incurable

Curing the incurable AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2016   How many of us have pondered the question: why not all diseases can be cured?...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Chakras from the ART perspective

Chakras from the ART perspective AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2016  ...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Health and internal burdens

Health and internal burdens AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2016   The...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Adaptation reserves and BRT

Adaptation reserves and BRT AUTHORS : Kiriyak A.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2016   In the WHO Health for All by the Year 2000 program the social prerequisites...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Borreliosis, or Lyme disease

Borreliosis, or Lyme disease AUTHORS : Romanov K.S. | Vasilyeva G.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2016   Borreliosis, or...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Microcrystalline arthritis

Microcrystalline arthritis AUTHORS : Kayumova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Mozyr, Belarus YEAR : 2016   Microcrystalline arthritis is a group of diseases characterized by the...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Anvarul Azim MD | Anvarul N.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Doctor Azim”, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Research Institute of...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Optimal duration of BRT

Optimal duration of BRT AUTHORS : Islamov B.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Russia YEAR : 2016 The center for...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Epigenetics and BRT

Epigenetics and BRT AUTHORS : Kiriyak A.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2015   In the twentieth century, geneticists were convinced that genes govern life. In the...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Selected IBBU Statistics 2014

Selected IBBU Statistics 2014 AUTHORS : Leopold K RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : IBBU, Liboch, Austria YEAR : 2015   The IBBU (Institute for Biosensorics and Bioenergy Research) includes...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Personal medicine

Personal medicine AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2015   Every...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Larina V.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Office of energy-informational medicine “ART-Diagnost”, Saratov, Russia YEAR : 2015   Clinical example...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

40 years of bioresonance

40 years of bioresonance AUTHORS : Scott-Morley E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Poole, UK YEAR : 2014   My first acquaintance with the literature on electropuncture diagnostics by the...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Personality types: electric model

Personality types: electric model AUTHORS : Brief K. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria YEAR : 2014   I. Geometric representations in typology...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Epigenetics and ART

Epigenetics and ART AUTHORS : Andreichenko G.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vorkuta, Russia YEAR : 2014   At the XIX International Conference on Bioresonance Therapy and the...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Healing with Truth

Healing with Truth AUTHORS : Gritsenko E.G. | Gritsenko A.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “MI” Family Health “, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2014   The organic synthesis...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Female and male infertility

Female and male infertility AUTHORS : Sokolov E.I. | Yakovlev P.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for health restoration “KALKHIVI”, Kiev, Ukraine YEAR : 2014  ...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Resonant color therapy

Resonant color therapy AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2014   From the...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

New about Bach flower essences

New about Bach flower essences AUTHORS : Smyshnikov V.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical and psychological center of individuality on Sadovaya-Karetnaya, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2014...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Rakhmatullina I.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2014   A 9-year-old patient came to the Center with...

سپتامبر 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

A New Approach to Allergy Treatment

A New Approach to Allergy Treatment AUTHORS : Kempe N | Leopold K. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Liboch, Austria YEAR : 2014   Compared to more recent times, we have to increasingly...

سپتامبر 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Low back pain in adolescents

Low back pain in adolescents AUTHORS : Nikiforova G.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Regional Clinical Hospital named after M. I. Kalinin, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2014   Low back pain...

سپتامبر 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders AUTHORS : Fenyutina T.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2013   The medical profession at all times and among all...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow AUTHORS : Razvodovskaya L.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2013   How, at the present time, when everything is constantly...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Observations in daily work

Observations in daily work AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2013   In everyday practice, one has to observe completely unusual phenomena...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Know the enemy by sight

Know the enemy by sight AUTHORS : Kirillov-Gogolev E.F. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Volgograd, Russia YEAR : 2013   The virus is a difficult enigma for modern medicine, because it...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Psychologist in drug examination

Psychologist in drug examination AUTHORS : Petrakova T.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Clinical Psychology, M.V. A.I. Evdokimova, Moscow, Russia...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

CMV infection. Practice notes

CMV infection. Practice notes AUTHORS : Staritskaya N.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE “VitaLife”, Dzerzhinsk, Republic of Belarus YEAR : 2013   Working in information...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

New approaches to acne therapy

New approaches to acne therapy AUTHORS : Kudasheva A.R. | Teregulova Z.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GBOU HPE “Bashkir State Medical University” Ministry of Health of Russia, Ufa, Russia...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

BIT is based on patient focus

BIT is based on patient focus AUTHORS : Peyer H RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Switzerland YEAR : 2013   Operating principle biophysical information therapy (BIT) is focused on the...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Influence of sun activity

Influence of sun activity AUTHORS : Scott-Morley E RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Poole, UK YEAR : 2012   When working with patients, I pay considerable attention to identifying the body burdens...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Sidorov V.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : St. Petersburg, Russia YEAR : 2012 I am an ambulance doctor by profession. I have been using the ART method recently,...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Resistance to therapy

Resistance to therapy AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2012   This article...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Practical cases

Practical cases AUTHORS : Musaev A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Athens, Greece YEAR : 2012   1. Patient V., 20 years old. Diagnosis: toxic optic atrophy on right. The neoplastic...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Helminthiasis masks

Helminthiasis masks AUTHORS : Fedotova L.P. | Fedotov N.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Krasnodar, Russia YEAR : 2012   Over the past decades, the number of people infected with...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Brucellosis reactive arthritis

Brucellosis reactive arthritis AUTHORS : Chernichenko E.V. | Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2012   Reactive...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Parasitic skin diseases

Parasitic skin diseases AUTHORS : Fedorovskaya I.V. | Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2012   The skin is a mirror...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Preserving thyroid function

Preserving thyroid function AUTHORS : Rakhmatullina I.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2012   In recent years, diseases of...

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Unknown sarcoidosis

Unknown sarcoidosis AUTHORS : Sheshukov P.F. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladimir, Russia YEAR : 2012   The term sarcoid comes from the Greek root SARK, meaning flesh or meat....

سپتامبر 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Homeopathy in Clinical Pediatrics

Homeopathy in Clinical Pediatrics AUTHORS : Filonenko A.V. | Kirillov A.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : FSBEI HPE “Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov”, g....

سپتامبر 12, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Problems of modern medicine

Problems of modern medicine AUTHORS : Guseinov S.N. | Huseynov T.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinic “Yeni Med”, Baku, Azerbaijan YEAR : 2011   Modern diagnostic methods...

سپتامبر 11, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Results of using autonosodes

Results of using autonosodes AUTHORS : Kim P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2011   For three years of work, more than 60 patients have been treated with the use of...

سپتامبر 11, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Pathological process

Pathological process AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Belarus, Minsk YEAR : 2011   How to...

سپتامبر 11, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Rapid oncology testing method

Rapid oncology testing method AUTHORS : Rogovy Yu.E. | Arkhipova L.G. | Muravyova I.L. | Unguryan V.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Bukovina State Medical University, Regional...

سپتامبر 11, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Disease masks

Disease masks AUTHORS : Oparina T.N. | Pogosskaya V.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2011   Sometimes, when treating the underlying disease,...

سپتامبر 11, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Experience with miasms

Experience with miasms AUTHORS : Malyavkin B.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Odessa, Ukraine YEAR : 2011   It is well known that miasms are innate toxic information passed down to us in...

سپتامبر 11, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Vision angle

Vision angle AUTHORS : Torshin V.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Traditional Medicine”, Brest, Belarus YEAR : 2011 Working with the vegetative resonance test requires...

سپتامبر 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Sanogenesis and pathogenesis

Sanogenesis and pathogenesis AUTHORS : Torshin V.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Traditional Medicine”, Brest, Belarus YEAR : 2011   The border between sanogenesis...

سپتامبر 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Some features of testing

Some features of testing AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2011   It is noted that when testing a patient who has consumed alcohol (and...

سپتامبر 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Fibrocystic disease

Fibrocystic disease AUTHORS : Chernichenko E.V. | Khafizova G.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2011   According to the WHO...

سپتامبر 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

New view of tuberculosis diagnosis

New view of tuberculosis diagnosis AUTHORS : Sheshukov P.F. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladimir, Russia YEAR : 2011   Since the publication of the Order of the Ministry of Health of...

سپتامبر 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Bioresonance therapy technology

Bioresonance therapy technology AUTHORS : Pastukhov V.N. | Pastukhova N.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MC “Health Formula”, Yekaterinburg, Russia YEAR : 2011   1....

سپتامبر 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Experimental Research in Homeopathy

Experimental Research in Homeopathy AUTHORS : Tomkevich M.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Institute of Traditional Medicine GOU VPO RGMU Roszdrav, Moscow YEAR : 2011 RESUME The...

سپتامبر 9, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Photon Resonance Test

Photon Resonance Test AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2010   I would like to share my thoughts on the photon resonance test and the...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Reflections on Low Potencies

Reflections on Low Potencies AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2010 Organism Maintaining human is a reliable self-regulating system. homeostasis is the...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

False polarity

False polarity AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2010   The purpose of this article is to draw the attention of colleagues to such an...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Correction of chronic miasm

Correction of chronic miasm AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2010   Here is some material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “Miasm. IN...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba


Interiorotherapist® AUTHORS : Shornikov A.V. | Shornikova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “KITTInteriorS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2010   In our previous reports on phantom tags...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Difficult protozoa

Difficult protozoa AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2010   Protozoa (Protozoa)...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Diseases of the thyroid gland

Diseases of the thyroid gland AUTHORS : Rakhmatullina I.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2010   Studies show that about 10%...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Viral hepatitis C

Viral hepatitis C AUTHORS : Demyanova I.V. | Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2010   At present, the problem of...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Liver damage with toxoplasmosis

Liver damage with toxoplasmosis AUTHORS : Brown HE. | Seregina N.P. | Taranukha T.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Edis Center, Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2010   Toxoplasmosis (TS)...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

How to increase testing speed

How to increase testing speed AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : % H% Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2010   When testing a patient, a doctor is faced with a problem: to...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Old signs in a new light

Old signs in a new light AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2010   The main “enemy” of the doctor testing a patient is the time...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Taneva V.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Formula Health”, Burgas, Bulgaria YEAR : 2010   I have been working on the equipment produced by...

سپتامبر 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome AUTHORS : Kulikov V.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2010   Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional bowel disease characterized by...

سپتامبر 7, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Problems of the ART method

Problems of the ART method AUTHORS : Makarevich A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Resonant Medicine” Infomed “, Minsk, Republic of Belarus YEAR : 2009  ...

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Mokshina O.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2009   Patient A., 32 years old, came to the...

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Petrov SOUTH. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2009 At the initial admission, patient K. complained...

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Something about miasms

Something about miasms AUTHORS : Smirnova O.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Minsk, Russia YEAR : 2009   It is necessary to distinguish between miasms and miasms. We have known about...

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Where to start?

Where to start ? AUTHORS : Smirnova O.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2009   Yu.V. Gotovsky said that in treatment one should follow the principle “from the general to...

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Type II diabetes mellitus

Type II diabetes mellitus AUTHORS : Malyavkin B.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Odessa, Ukraine YEAR : 2009   We are talking about type II diabetes mellitus, in which an increase in blood sugar...

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Diagnostic problems

Diagnostic problems AUTHORS : Scott-Morley E RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Poole, UK YEAR : 2009   Introduction Accurate and reliable diagnosis is the main problem in any field of medicine....

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Causes of diseases of the spine

Causes of diseases of the spine AUTHORS : Kayumova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Mozyr, Belarus YEAR : 2009   Over the past decades, more and more often we are faced with diseases of the...

سپتامبر 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Hyperthermia of unseen genesis

Hyperthermia of unseen genesis AUTHORS : Tikhonova I.S. | Kartashova N.V. | Petritskaya E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2009  ...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Use of color in dentistry

Use of color in dentistry AUTHORS : Grushina N.V.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2009   Our body is a single system connected by inseparable chains, which allows it...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Psoriasis or rubella?

Psoriasis or rubella? AUTHORS :  Dykun N. | Dykun Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Pyramid”, Dubno, Ukraine YEAR : 2009   Psoriasis can...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Hypertension treatment

Hypertension treatment AUTHORS : Hovsepyan A.A. | Machanyan A.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Yerevan, Armenia YEAR : 2009   Patient V.S., 53 years old. She contacted us on 20.02.2005 about...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Peaceful atom in every home

Peaceful atom in every home AUTHORS : Matison A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Firma Matisons. Ltd, Riga, Latvia YEAR : 2009   Unfortunately, this slogan, announced by the Communist Party, was...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Atopic dermatitis in children

Atopic dermatitis in children AUTHORS : Pechenina E.V.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2009   One of the most...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Female infertility

Female infertility AUTHORS : Popova E.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2009   Recently, the number of couples seeking...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Chepurnaya S.L. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MLPU GKB No. 1, Novokuznetsk, Russia YEAR : 2009   Clinical example Patient L., 53, Diagnosis: CVD. Ischemic hemodynamic...

سپتامبر 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

The healing properties of cereals

The healing properties of cereals AUTHORS : Kiseleva T.L. | Karpeev A.A. | Smirnova Yu.A. | Safonov V.P. | Tsvetaeva E.V. | Kogan L.I |  Blinkov I.L. | Dronova M.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :...

سپتامبر 1, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Elcheva M.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2008   Patient, Osit L.V., 52 years old. In May...

آگوست 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Skoroumova M.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2008   Patient V., 11 years old, turned...

آگوست 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Potencies 1M

Potencies 1M AUTHORS : Lviv E.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2008   Visiting computer centers every year, you hear the same thing: “This model is already outdated, a...

آگوست 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Pechenina E.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2008   Patient R.E.A., 42 years old. She...

آگوست 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Efimova S.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2008   Patient A., 24 years old. She turned...

آگوست 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Trichinella in the myocardium

Trichinella in the myocardium AUTHORS : Babich V.G. | Starikov A.M.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MLPU city hospital No. 8, Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2008   Patient T., 32 years old....

آگوست 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba


Electrobroom AUTHORS : Shornikov A.V. | Shornikova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “KITTInteriorS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2008   From the course of school physics, we all know...

آگوست 30, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Newt regeneration signal

Newt regeneration signal AUTHORS : Chayanovone N.V. | Bizyaevone P.D. | Burlakovaone O.V. | Golichenkovone V.A. | Gotovsky2 M.Yu. | Mkhitaryan2 K.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneDepartment of...

آگوست 30, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Atopic dermatitis in children

Atopic dermatitis in children AUTHORS : Fenyutina T.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2008   Atopic dermatitis is the most common skin...

آگوست 27, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Medicinal properties of citrus fruits

Medicinal properties of citrus fruits AUTHORS : Kiseleva T.L. | Karpeev A.A. | Smirnova Yu.A. | Safonov V.P. | Tsvetaeva E.V. | Kogan L.I.| Blinkov I. L. | Dronova M.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :...

آگوست 25, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Don Quixote of Russian homeopathy

Don Quixote of Russian homeopathy AUTHORS : Karpeev A.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : National Council for Homeopathy (Moscow) YEAR : 2019   SUMMARY The article is devoted to the life and...

آگوست 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Osteopathic gravity concept

Osteopathic gravity concept AUTHORS : Mokhov D.E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State educational institution of additional professional education, St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate...

آگوست 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

II Russian Homeopathic Congress

II Russian Homeopathic Congress AUTHORS : Karpeev  A.A. | Kiseleva T.L. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods diagnostics and...

آگوست 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Traditional medicine in Russia

Traditional medicine in Russia AUTHORS : Karpeev A.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Clinical and Experimental Scientific Center for Traditional Methods diagnostics and treatment of the Ministry...

آگوست 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Five elements of antiaging therapy

Five elements of antiaging therapy AUTHORS : Markin Yu.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute for Radiophysiological Research of the Russian Academy natural sciences, Moscow, Russia YEAR...

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Homeopathy – Frequency Library

Homeopathy – Frequency Library AUTHORS : Shornikov A.V. | Shornikova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “KITTInteriorS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2006   If we consider a...

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Structured water and cancer

Structured water and cancer AUTHORS : Dykun N.V. | Miller A.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LDC “Piramida”, LDC “Med-Absolute”, Dubno, Ukraine YEAR : 2006   The...

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

About psoriasis and alcohol

About psoriasis and alcohol AUTHORS : Boltunova V.L. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Warsaw, Poland YEAR : 2006   In addition to the almost monographic article by I.V. Fedorovskaya and O.I....

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS :  Skoroumova M.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2006   B-I M., 29 years old,...

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Kuznetsova S.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2006   Patient A., 6 years old,...

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

False polarity and brain rhythms

False polarity and brain rhythms AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2006   At the request of...

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Is “fate” possible?

Is “fate” possible? AUTHORS : Ischenko E.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2006   A number of authors [1, 2] suggested that it is possible to...

آگوست 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Raven J.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center LLC “Oksidental-Express”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2006   Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer (PUD)...

آگوست 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Bioresonance therapy in hepatology

Bioresonance therapy in hepatology AUTHORS : Moskaleva O.V. | Gotovsky M.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2006   Acute hepatitis are infectious, toxic, allergic and end...

آگوست 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Drug Testing (Optimization Ways)

Drug Testing (Optimization Ways) AUTHORS : Semendyaeva M.E. | Aleshina T.V. | Matveev G.N. | Barulina I.F. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinical Hospital No. 83 FMBA RF, Moscow, Russia YEAR...

آگوست 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Petritskaya E.N. | Abaeva L.F. | Kartashova N.V. | Druzyuk E.Z. | Gotovsky M.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Center “IMEDIS”,...

آگوست 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Evidence-based medicine

Evidence-based medicine AUTHORS : Fadeev I.V. | Berezina E.N. | Protopopova M.A. | Udaltsova L.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MC “BIO-FALL”, Voronezh, Russia YEAR : 2006  ...

آگوست 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Treating cancer with enzymes

Treating cancer with enzymes AUTHORS : Kempe N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Group on Biosensorics of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society, St. Graz, Austria YEAR : 2006   Introduction...

آگوست 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

About mistakes

About mistakes AUTHORS : Matison A.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Firm “Matisons” SIA, Riga, Latvia YEAR : 2005   Since the most difficult thing is “doing...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Doctor – BRT – patient

Doctor – BRT – patient AUTHORS : Kolganov I.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Voronezh, Russia YEAR : 2005   If we consider the doctor-patient relationship since the time of,...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical example

Clinical example AUTHORS : Andreev O.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “Medistok”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine YEAR : 2005   In this work, I would like, using a specific...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Petrov Yu.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2005   Patient K. complained of...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

BRT in early childhood pediatrics

BRT in early childhood pediatrics AUTHORS : Mikhailova N.T. | Iskra M.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Yekaterinburg, Russia YEAR : 2005   It is known from embryology that at the 3rd...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Radiation load

Radiation load AUTHORS : Kayumova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Mozyr, Belarus YEAR : 2005   19 years have passed since the terrible disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant....

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Pain and acute pathology therapy

Pain and acute pathology therapy AUTHORS : Fisun T.G. | Kurochkin A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Krasnodar, Russia YEAR : 2005   In the clinical picture of many somatic diseases,...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Multilocular echinococcosis

Multilocular echinococcosis AUTHORS : Tikhonov E.V. | Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2005   Multilocular...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Thyroid disease

Thyroid disease AUTHORS : Rakhmatullina I.P. | Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Methodical Center Eliseeva”, Moscow, Russia   Thyroid YEAR : 2005   dysfunction...

آگوست 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical Cases

Clinical Cases AUTHORS : Dmitrieva L.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2005   I never cease to be amazed at how...

آگوست 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba


Osteoporosis AUTHORS : Zheleznova N.E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2005   Definition Osteoporosis refers to...

آگوست 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Cell membrane potential and cancer

Cell membrane potential and cancer AUTHORS : Scott-Morley E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Aesculus Clinic, Poole, Dorset, UK YEAR : 2005   The role of the cell membrane potential is...

آگوست 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Treatment of paragonimiasis

Treatment of paragonimiasis AUTHORS : Razvodovskaya L.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Verbena”, Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2005   Paragonimiasis is a disease...

آگوست 9, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Treatment of periodontal disease

Treatment of periodontal disease AUTHORS : Malyavkin B.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Odessa, Ukraine YEAR : 2005   Needless to say, the problem of paradontosis is global in nature....

آگوست 9, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Homeostatics and acupuncture

Homeostatics and acupuncture AUTHORS :  Stepanov A.M. |  Meysers E.E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Reflexology of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for...

آگوست 9, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Virtual brain

Virtual brain AUTHORS :  Koekin O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods diagnostics and treatment of Roszdrav, Moscow...

آگوست 9, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

IMEDIS. 10 years together

IMEDIS. 10 years together AUTHORS : Osipova A.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Paracelsus”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2004   I do not know what would have happened to me if one...

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Stress and BRT methods

Stress and BRT methods AUTHORS :  Matison A.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : firm “MATISONS”, Riga, Latvia YEAR : 2004   Sometimes the question arises – why the use of...

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical aspects of total biology

Clinical aspects of total biology AUTHORS :  Rivkina T. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rimini, Italy; San Marino YEAR : 2004   First of all, I want to share with you my joy that I have...

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Diabetes mellitus treatment

Diabetes mellitus treatment AUTHORS : Malyavkin B.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Odessa, Ukraine YEAR : 2004   I would like to share my experience in treating diabetes mellitus, which...

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Nervous tics

Nervous tics AUTHORS : Deryabina N.K.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Saratov, Russia YEAR : 2004   The problem of neuroses is important and relevant. Nervous tics are one of the...

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Medication intake prognosis

Medication intake prognosis AUTHORS : Salnikova T.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2004   A medicine is a substance that interacts in one way or another with the body....

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Practical cases

Practical cases AUTHORS : Smagina I.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2004   1. Patient M., 48 years old. I...

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Petrov Yu.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2004   Patient Oksana L., 25 years old....

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Moon phases in homeopathy

Moon phases in homeopathy AUTHORS :  Mishchenko1 V.V. |  Kosmodemyanskiy2 L.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Moscow Institute of Homeopathy, 2Moscow Homeopathic Center, Moscow YEAR...

آگوست 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Traditional medicine abroad

Traditional medicine abroad AUTHORS : Karpeev A.A. |  Kharisov N.F. |  Chepkov V.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods...

آگوست 3, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Practical Cases

Practical Cases AUTHORS : Smagina I.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2004   1. Patient M., 48 years old. I...

آگوست 3, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Petrov Yu.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2004 | Category : Case Study   Patient...

آگوست 3, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Man is a living crystal

Man is a living crystal AUTHORS :  Dykunone N. |  Dykunone Yu | Melnik2  A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneTreatment and Diagnostic Center “Pyramid”, 2Medical center...

آگوست 3, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS :  Efimova S.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2007   Patient S., 46 years old,...

آگوست 3, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Phantom tags

Phantom tags AUTHORS :  Shornikov A.V. |  Shornikova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “KITTInteriorS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2007   Studies on the mutual influence...

آگوست 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Rakhmatullina I.P.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2007   A 59-year-old female patient...

آگوست 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

General approaches to therapy

General approaches to therapy AUTHORS :  Andreichenko G.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vorkuta, Russia YEAR : 2007   Introduction Every person has everything you need to be healthy,...

آگوست 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Practical cases

Practical cases AUTHORS :  Kim PN. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “MedSan”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2007   1. Patient E. Ilkhamov, 15 years old, contacted us on...

آگوست 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS :  Kuznetsova  S.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2007   Patient A., 13...

آگوست 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Sleep and BRT

Sleep and BRT AUTHORS :  Chernetsova L.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GOU VPO “Izhevsk State Medical Academy”, Izhevsk, Russia YEAR : 2007   For the development of an...

جولای 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Initial Patient Admission Plan

Initial Patient Admission Plan AUTHORS :  Reshetilovone IN AND.|  Vlasenkoone M.V.|  Sorokopud2 M.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : one city of Budapest, Hungary; 2 Zaporozhye,...

جولای 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Cellular bioresonance therapy

Cellular bioresonance therapy AUTHORS :  Tikhomirov D.D. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : FPC MR RUDN, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2007   Cellular bioresonance therapy is a treatment using...

جولای 31, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Deep mycoses therapy

Deep mycoses therapy AUTHORS : Andreychenko G.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vorkuta, Russia YEAR : 2005 | Category : Method of Treatment Today, fungal diseases are a very serious...

می 7, 2022By atrin nafari

Urolithiasis treatment with BRT

Urolithiasis treatment with BRT AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Moskaleva O.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2004 | Category : Method of Treatment Urolithiasis – a disease...

می 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba


Toxoplasmosis AUTHORS : Yankova L.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2004 | Category : Educational Toxoplasmosis is a widespread disease that is...

می 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba


Fasciollosis AUTHORS : Ramazanova G.F. | Bozhko E.V. | Vasilieva G.G. | Nazarova S.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Alexey Nazarov Medical Center; Department of Bioresonance Therapy, St. Tashkent,...

می 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

BR drugs of the second order

BR drugs of the second order AUTHORS : Fadeev I.V. | Berezina E.N. | Protopopova M.A. | Udaltsova L.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE MC “BIO-FALL”, Voronezh, Russia YEAR : 2004 |...

می 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Reflections of a beginner

Reflections of a beginner AUTHORS : Bychkov I.V.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2003 | Category : Data During the work on the hardware and software complex...

فوریه 13, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Universal adaptation theory

Universal adaptation theory AUTHORS : Birilo I.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : BSU, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational In this work, I made an attempt to...

فوریه 6, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Butchenko N.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2003 | Category : Case Study Currently, a...

فوریه 5, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Biophotons and MORA-bioresonance

The use of bioresonance therapy according to the laws of the five elements AUTHORS : Halle M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Idar-Oberstein, Germany YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational Biophotons...

فوریه 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Using an inverted biopsy specimen

Using an inverted biopsy specimen AUTHORS : Tikhomirov D.D. | Solomatin V.A. | Brodova E.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for High Technologies, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2003 |...

ژانویه 24, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Chlamydia treatment experience

Chlamydia treatment experience AUTHORS : Sokolenko A.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Main Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Clinic of Alternative Treatment...

ژانویه 24, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Health Matrix

Health Matrix AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N. | Sobotovich S.L. | Dudoladov V.V. | Sobotovich T.V. | Nadolnaya I.V. | Sereda A.L. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment-and-prophylactic Center...

ژانویه 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Informational treatment of diseases

Informational treatment of diseases AUTHORS : Meyer M.N. | Popov A.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia; Weissenfells, Germany YEAR : 2019 | Category : Method of Treatment “If the...

ژانویه 18, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Slow neuroinfections

Slow neuroinfections AUTHORS : Frolova L.A. | Polyabina O. A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational V our modern century...

ژانویه 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Can tuberculosis be cured?

Can tuberculosis be cured? AUTHORS : Sheshukov P.F. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladimir, Russia YEAR : 2019 | Category : Method of Treatment The WHO Regional Office is currently adapting the...

ژانویه 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

The art of bioresonance therapy

The art of bioresonance therapy AUTHORS : Mathison A.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Firma “Matisons” SIA, Riga, Latvia YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational I have thirty-seven years of...

ژانویه 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Echinococcosis or cancer?

Echinococcosis or cancer? AUTHORS : Guseinov S.N. | Huseynov T.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center “Edelweiss”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational Many...

ژانویه 12, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Work algorithm

Work algorithm AUTHORS : Dykun N.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Piramida”, Dubno, Ukraine YEAR : 2019 | Category : Algorithm In the work of a doctor...

ژانویه 12, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Autoimmune diseases

Sensorineural hearing loss: some results and the prospect of treatment with the use of APK “IMEDIS-EXPERT” AUTHORS : Pastukhova ON. | Pastukhov V.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MC...

ژانویه 11, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Color trends and our health

Color trends and our health AUTHORS : Shornikov A.V. | Shornikova E.N.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “KITTInteriorS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational Let...

ژانویه 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Therapy with chronoresonance drugs

Evaluating the effectiveness of electronic information Ayurvedicdrugs in the treatment of patients with diseases of various nosological forms AUTHORS : Rybko V.O. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :...

ژانویه 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Chakra melody

Chakra melody AUTHORS : Mathison A.N.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Firma “Matisons” SIA, Riga, Latvia YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational “If you want to know the secrets of...

ژانویه 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Non-classical homeopathy

Non-classical homeopathy AUTHORS : Mathison A.N.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Firma “Matisons” SIA, Riga, Latvia YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational The classic homeopathic...

ژانویه 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Tuberculosis and spirituality

Tuberculosis and spirituality AUTHORS : Sheshukov P.F. | Privezentsev D.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Innovation Center “Active Longevity”, Vladimir, Russia YEAR : 2020 | Category :...

ژانویه 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

From the universe to the lysosome

From the universe to the lysosome AUTHORS : Dykun N.V. | Novak Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “PYRAMIDA”, Dubno, Ukraine YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational In the...

ژانویه 10, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Photonic indices – a new look

Photonic indices – a new look AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational Each user of the ART method is constantly...

ژانویه 9, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Some features of color therapy

Some features of color therapy AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational There is a lot of literature on color light therapy...

ژانویه 9, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Embrace the immensity

Embrace the immensity AUTHORS : Dykun N.V. | Novak Yu.N.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : medical center “Pyramid”, Dubno, Ukraine YEAR : 2021 | Category : — Twenty-three years...

ژانویه 8, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Anvarul Azim Md. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Doctor Azim”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2021 | Category : Clinical Case For many years, the Doctor Azim LLC clinic...

ژانویه 5, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Excess color in the human body

Excess color in the human body AUTHORS : Bocharov D.G.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2021 | Category : Educational Color light therapy is a...

ژانویه 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Skin allergy treatment

Skin allergy treatment AUTHORS : Bocharov D.G.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2021 | Category : Method of Treatment Patient M.L.K., 36 years old,...

ژانویه 4, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Intestinal Acne

Intestinal Acne AUTHORS : Yankova L.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational The male intestinal eel is 0.7 mm long...

ژانویه 3, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

“Spontaneous” effects of BRT

“Spontaneous” effects of BRT AUTHORS : Ivanov O.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Orsk, Russia YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational 1. Patient T., 47 years old. Diagnosis: heel spur,...

ژانویه 3, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Complicated herpes simplex

Complicated herpes simplex AUTHORS : Kolganov I.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for Bioresonance Medicine “Dana”, Voronezh, Russia YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational...

ژانویه 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical observations

Clinical observations AUTHORS : Prytkov M.M. | Timonova Yu.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “Medical Services”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2002 | Category : Case Study 1. Patient TS,...

ژانویه 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Practical cases

Practical cases AUTHORS : Butchenko N.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2002 | Category : Case Study 1. Patient 3.,...

ژانویه 2, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Modern ideas about sarcosporidia

Modern ideas about sarcosporidia AUTHORS : Tikhonova I.S. | Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : NPOC Eliseeva, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational The relevance of the...

دسامبر 28, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

BRT in endocrinology

BRT in endocrinology AUTHORS : Popova E.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational...

دسامبر 26, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Variations on ART

Variations on ART AUTHORS : Scott-Morley E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Poole, UK YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational Some notes on the EAF Electroacupuncture according to...

دسامبر 25, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Viruses are a neglected threat

Viruses are a neglected threat AUTHORS : Schimmel H.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Bul-Eisental, Germany YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational a common part New information has been obtained...

دسامبر 20, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical observations

Clinical observations AUTHORS : Prytkov M.M. | Podgornaya V.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “MEDICAL SERVICES”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2001 | Category : Clinical...

دسامبر 20, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Experience with induction therapy

Experience with induction therapy AUTHORS : Kashenko L.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Help yourself”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2001 | Category : Experience IN the basis...

دسامبر 18, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

ART in the diagnosis of ascariasis

ART in the diagnosis of ascariasis AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I. | Muravyova I.L. | Salnikova T.V. | Zheleznova N.E. | Tikhonova I.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific and Practical Center of O.I....

دسامبر 18, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

The problem of viruses

The problem of viruses AUTHORS : Yankova L.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Sasovo, Ryazan region, Russia YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational Vegetative resonance test (ART) “IMEDIS-TEST”...

دسامبر 18, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Therapy for viral infections

Therapy for viral infections AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Kalachikov A.V. | Moskaleva O.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational It is hard to deny that since...

دسامبر 18, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Bioresonance therapy: case studies

Bioresonance therapy: case studies AUTHORS : Musaev A.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Athens, Greece YEAR : 2001 | Category : Case Study 1. Patient V., 12 years old. Diagnosis: vegetative-vascular...

دسامبر 14, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Resonant number

Resonant number AUTHORS : Fadeev I.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE LDTs “BIO-FOLL”, Voronezh, Russia YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational Resonance (French. – I respond). A...

دسامبر 14, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

BRT and eternity

BRT and eternity AUTHORS : Shehab L.F. | Shehab H.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Tver, Russia; Saida, Lebanon YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational ETERNITY – an attribute of God, a sign of...

دسامبر 14, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Giardiasis. Complex therapy

Giardiasis. Complex therapy AUTHORS : Shehab L.F. | Shehab H.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Tver, Russia; Saida, Lebanon YEAR : 2001 | Category : Method of treatment The causative agent of...

دسامبر 14, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Treatment of acute viral hepatitis

Treatment of acute viral hepatitis AUTHORS : Rodigina T.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Khust, Ukraine YEAR : 2001 | Category : Method of treatment Clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis...

دسامبر 14, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Traditional medicine in Russia

Traditional medicine in Russia AUTHORS : Karpeev A.A.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment of...

دسامبر 13, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Some examples from practice

Some examples from practice AUTHORS : Kempe N. | Thumm-Hohenstein B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Ludwig-Boltzmann-Forschungsstelle für Biosensorik, Graz; Vitalzentrum, Geinberg; Austria YEAR :...

دسامبر 13, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Dynamic images in medicine

Dynamic images in medicine AUTHORS : Shatkin Ya.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : postgraduate study at MPEI, VMSS department, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2000 | Category : Informative At present, in our...

دسامبر 7, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Metameric electropuncture diagnostics

Informotherapeutic regulation of disorders of the ovarian menstrual cycle AUTHORS : Skrypnyuk Z.D. | Gorchev V.F. | Kobylyanskaya R.N. | Kobylyansky V.Ya. | Smelyanets A.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES...

دسامبر 7, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

New Approaches to Wu-Xing Theory

New Approaches to Wu-Xing Theory AUTHORS : Klimenko D.P. | Klimenko P.D. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital, JSC “Bellakt”, Grodno, Belarus YEAR : 2000 |...

دسامبر 7, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Errors in the diagnosis of cancer

Errors in the diagnosis of cancer AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I. | Salnikova T.V. | Muraveva I.L. | Tikhonova I.S. | Yankova L.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center Eliseeva O.I. YEAR : 2000 |...

دسامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Health programming with BRT

Health programming with BRT AUTHORS : Shehab L.F. | Shehab H.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Tver, Russia; Saida, Lebanon YEAR : 2000 | Category : Informative The innate personality traits...

دسامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Practical cases

Practical cases AUTHORS : Kolganov I.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Novovoronezh, Russia YEAR : 2000 | Category : Case Study Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to the developers of...

دسامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Traditional medicine in a pain clinic

Traditional medicine in a pain clinic AUTHORS : Fadeev A.A. | Natakhin M.V. | Adashinskaya G.A. | Koroleva M.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific and Practical Center for Traditional Medicine...

دسامبر 4, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Color therapy

Color therapy AUTHORS : Shraibman M.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Herzleya, Israel YEAR : 2000 | Category : Educational Practice showed sufficient efficiency work informational preparations of...

دسامبر 4, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Psychological practice

Psychological practice AUTHORS : Smirnova N.E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : All-Russian Scientific and Practical Center for Career Guidance and Psychological support of the population, Moscow, Russia...

نوامبر 30, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Main features of EHF puncture

Main features of EHF puncture AUTHORS : Teppone M. | Avakyan R. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Koloyaro-2000”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational Extreme high-frequency...

نوامبر 30, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

The patient is like a black box

The patient is like a black box AUTHORS : Komissarov G.G. | Gotovsky Yu.V.  RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational Recently, the field of various...

نوامبر 30, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

What is activation medicine?

What is activation medicine? AUTHORS : Kvakina E.B. | Harkavi L.Kh. | Kuzmenko T.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational New medicine, alternative to...

نوامبر 29, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Ultradian rhythms and bioresonance

Ultradian rhythms and bioresonance AUTHORS : Osipova A.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :  Medical energy-information technologies, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1999 | Category : Experience No one...

نوامبر 29, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

A case from my medical practice

A case from my medical practice AUTHORS : Keisha I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State Center for Family Health, Riga, Latvia YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational Three years ago, a patient...

نوامبر 29, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical examples

Clinical examples AUTHORS : Sapfirova M.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Ryazan Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, Russia YEAR : 1999 | Category : — 1. Petrov E.D., born in 1953 He...

نوامبر 28, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Drug testing in gastroenterology

Drug testing in gastroenterology AUTHORS : Aleshina T.V. | Semendyaeva M.E. | Zhuravleva M.G. | Matveev G.N. | Lebedev A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinical Hospital No. 83 FU for biomedical...

نوامبر 22, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Understand yourself among others

Understand yourself among others AUTHORS : Gorskiy A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Section of bioelectronic methods of treatment, St. Petersburg, Russia YEAR : 1998  | Category :...

نوامبر 20, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Fungal lesions of the body

Fungal lesions of the body AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1998  | Category : Educational Since April 1997, I have examined 135 patients with...

نوامبر 17, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Holistic approach to health

Holistic approach to health AUTHORS : Talpis L.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1998  | Category : Educational The constant...

نوامبر 16, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Integrative medicine doctrine

Integrative medicine doctrine AUTHORS : Shusharjan S.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Traditional Medicine and Music Therapy, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1998  | Category :...

نوامبر 15, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Treatment of alopecia with BRT

Treatment of alopecia with BRT AUTHORS : Aleshina T.V. | Semendyaeva M.E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : KB # 83, Medbioekstrem, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1997   |  Category : Case Study...

نوامبر 9, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Some methods of BRT optimization

Some methods of BRT optimization AUTHORS : Postnikova O.A. | Tsybin E.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1997   |  Category : — There is no longer any...

نوامبر 9, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Reflections on inversion

Reflections on inversion AUTHORS : Lyakhovich M.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1997   |  Category : Educational When working with the method of bioresonance...

نوامبر 8, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

The use of BRT in gynecology

The use of BRT in gynecology AUTHORS : Kondratyeva N.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Central Polyclinic of the State Tax Service, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1997   |  Category : Type of...

نوامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Scientific basis of auriculotherapy

Scientific basis of auriculotherapy AUTHORS : Blinkov I.L. | Meizerov E.E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology, Research Center of the Moscow Medical Academy named after...

نوامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Copying allopathic drugs

Copying allopathic drugs AUTHORS : Fonin A.E. | Bravo O.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : clinic “Medinar”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1996  | Category : Educational The aim of the...

نوامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Modern medicine concept

Modern medicine concept AUTHORS : Tereshenkov S.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :  MO “Organization of the III Millennium”, medical unit “TERSIT”, Moscow, Russia YEAR...

نوامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

The use of bioresonance therapy

The use of bioresonance therapy AUTHORS : Korzane M. | Savranskaya I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Riga, Latvia YEAR : 1996  | Category : Educational Clinical examples 1. Patient T.A., 20...

نوامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Infertility treatment with BRT

Infertility treatment with BRT AUTHORS : O.S. Zabrodina RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Tomsk, Russia YEAR : 1996  | Category : Case Study This problem was addressed by 22 patients...

نوامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Stages of BRT

Stages of BRT AUTHORS : Makhonkina L.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :  Center for Intelligent Medical Systems “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1996  | Category : Educational...

نوامبر 6, 2021By Bioresonance Toba

Chakras and Bioresonance Therapy

 Chakras and Bioresonance Therapy AUTHORS : Talpis L.B. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for Intelligent Medical Systems “IMEDIS , Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1995  | Category...

اکتبر 27, 2021By Bioresonance Toba