Characteristics of the spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms detected in patients with inflammatory arthropathies

Characteristics of the spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms detected in patients with inflammatory arthropathies

AUTHORS : Dostanko1 N.Yu. | Dostanko2 E.G. | Dostanko2 V.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1BSMU, 2nd department. internal diseases, 2ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus
YEAR : 2017


Introduction Inflammatory arthropathies are a common and significant pathology of the joints, as a rule, significantly and long-term impairment of the ability to work and the quality of life of patients. The reason for their development (inductor or trigger) is most often the body’s immune and immune-inflammatory responses to pathogenic microorganisms [1]. In this regard, the etiological diagnosis of
inflammatory joint lesions is an urgent problem, on the adequate solution of which
the probability of the success of therapy and the duration of improvement or
remission of the disease largely depend.



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