“Eastern”, “Western” medicine – common approaches

“Eastern”, “Western” medicine – common approaches

AUTHORS : Dykun N. | Zakharuk S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Pyramid”, Dubno, Ukraine
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Research

It will be about the so-called “Western” and “Eastern” medicine, more precisely about the continuation of our research, assumptions, and now the practical results that we raised in the articles of previous conferences (III-VI International conferences on bioresonance therapy). Here is a case from practice. Two years ago, Doctor Igor Galyarnik, Advisor to the President of the United States on Family Medicine, while staying in Ukraine on a charitable mission, expressed a desire to visit our center in Dubno to get acquainted with the mysterious equipment of the IMEDIS company, deviating from the planned route by 150 km.

There was a reception of patients, one of the authors of the article diagnosed a patient who almost lost her sight 2 weeks ago. The diagnosis was coming to an end, and the 90-=distinguished guest, accompanied by the director of one medical research institute from Kiev and the chairman of the international women’s organization at the UN, asked: “So what will you treat your colleague?” “The meridian of the gallbladder,” was the answer. Surprise and a request: “Can I see a few of your patients to choose from?” Answer: “Let’s consider it an honor.”

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