Peculiarities of diagnostics and treatment of narcotic loads by ART method, homeopathy and induction therapy with fixed frequencies of persons, non-addicted

Peculiarities of diagnostics and treatment of narcotic loads by ART method, homeopathy and induction therapy with fixed frequencies of persons, non-addicted

AUTHORS : Zotova G.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow Homeopathic Center, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2012


The ancient anesthetics, opium and its alkaloids, are still used in medicine. In some cases, this is justified in cancer patients, with injuries and manipulations on
shock organs. For example, with manual separation of the placenta during childbirth. This minimizes the risk of death from pain shock.
At the same time, regardless of whether the drug was taken once or many times,
information about this remains in the body for life [1, 3].



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