The systemic development of music therapy in Russia is promising: new technologies, developments, inventions, educational programs

The systemic development of music therapy in Russia is promising: new technologies, developments, inventions, educational programs

AUTHORS : Shusharjan S.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : International Academy of Integrative Medicine, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Data

Introduction :

Among non-drug methods treatment, rehabilitation and prevention, music therapy (MT), a direction that uses music, singing, medical and pedagogical techniques, as the main restorative and health-improving factors, is of increasing interest. Attempts to use MT have been known since ancient times, but its true heyday came in the second half of the 20th century, when it began to be widely practiced in various countries of Europe, Asia, Australia and America.

MT is successfully used to correct psycho-emotional problems of a person (Bekhterev V.M., 1926; Brusilovsky L.S., 1969, 1975; Shushardzhan S.V., 1994; 1997, 1999). At the same time, according to domestic and foreign authors, MT methods are also used in the treatment of a number of somatic diseases (Haschec H., 1978; Huppmenn G., 1977; Jores A., 1981; Grineva I. M ., 1981; Shusharjan S.V., 1995-2002).

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