The use of bioresonance therapy for bronchial asthma

The use of bioresonance therapy for bronchial asthma

AUTHORS : Korzane M. | Savranskaya I.

YEAR : 1996  | Category : Type of application

Clinical examples
1. Patient Sh.D., 38 years old – atopic bronchial asthma. From the anamnesis – attacks of suffocation for the first time in his life appeared a year ago after changing his place of residence. The house had unheated rooms with mold on the walls. The patient was given clean crumbs, which she placed in the house in various rooms. Later, when testing on the allergy meridian, the greatest deviations were caused by crumbs from damp, moldy rooms. BRT sessions were conducted once a month for 4 strategies with inversion of this crumble. Within 6 months, the patient did not have any attacks of suffocation.

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