Prevention of aging of vision and the human body

Prevention of aging of vision and the human body

AUTHORS : Teterina T.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center of color therapy “TETTA”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2013


The urgency of the problem For thousands of years, scientists have been struggling to find a means that could quickly and effectively save humanity not only from diseases, but also slow down the aging of the body. The only organ of the human body, the development of which never stops, and the aging process
begins even before birth, is the lens of the eye. Throughout a person’s life, there is a constant renewal of the fibers of the lens due to the epithelial cells of the anterior bag. The renewal process is accompanied by the compaction of the central fibers of the lens, which leads to the gradual formation of a compact
nucleus, the physiological process of its hardening and a decrease in the volume of accommodation. So, if with normal visual acuity in the distance in persons aged 20 years the volume of accommodation is 10.0-12.0 diopters (diopters), then at the age of 35 years – 4.0, at 40 years – 2.0, at 50 years – 1.0, and at 60
years old – 0 diopters



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