Female and male infertility

Female and male infertility

AUTHORS : Sokolov E.I. | Yakovlev P.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for health restoration “KALKHIVI”, Kiev, Ukraine
YEAR : 2014


“Disease is a drama in two acts, of which the first is played out in the gloomy silence of our tissues with extinguished candles,” wrote the French surgeon
Leriche, “when pain or other unpleasant phenomena appear, it is almost always the second act.” That is why a person always needs to know how to prevent the
development of the disease and restore lost health. To become and be healthy, you need to understand on what principles full-fledged health is built. Very rarely,
the disease comes suddenly. It often accumulates gradually over several years. No doctor can single-handedly prevent a disease if the patient himself is not actively



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