Multiple resonance method for bioresonance therapy and obtaining bioresonance drugs with new properties

Multiple resonance method for bioresonance therapy and obtaining bioresonance drugs with new properties

AUTHORS : Parkhomenko A.P. 

YEAR : 2019 | Category : Method of Treatment

BRT is a therapy with electromagnetic vibrations, with which the structures of the body enter into resonance. The impact is possible both at the cellular level, at the level of membranes, and at the level of an organ, organ system and the whole organism. The main idea of using resonance in medicine is that, with the correct selection of the frequency and form of therapeutic (electromagnetic) effects, it is possible to optimize harmonic (physiological) and weaken disharmonic (pathological) oscillations in the human body.

Thus, the bioresonance effect can be aimed at both neutralizing pathological and restoring physiological fluctuations disturbed in pathological conditions [1]. The purpose of this work: the development of new methods of bioresonance therapy forincreasing the effectiveness of treatment and reducing the time of BRT procedures. The main principle of the method is to obtain several resonant responses using the same VRT filter and their summation to obtain a signal with the maximum resonance amplitude.

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