The state of the hemodynamic parameters of the eye in patients with optic nerve atrophy of vascular origin when using in the complex treatment of bioresonance therapy

The state of the hemodynamic parameters of the eye in patients with optic nerve atrophy of vascular origin when using in the complex treatment of bioresonance therapy

AUTHORS : Egorov1,2 V.V. | Borisov1 T.V. | Smolyakova1,2 G.P. | Guohua1 T.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Khabarovsk branch of FGAU “MNTK” Eye Microsurgery “them. acad. S.N. Fedorov
“MZ,2KGBOU DPO “Institute for Advanced Studies of Healthcare Professionals”
Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk, Russia
YEAR : 2016


Despite the achieved success in the complex treatment of optic nerve atrophy (ADS), the level of disability in this disease remains high to date and amounts to 11% [5,7]. In the structure of blindness and low vision in ADH, the atrophic process of the optic nerve of vascular origin occupies a leading position [4, 8].
Based on the modern phasotonic neurodynamic model of regulation of organismic, organ vascular-trophic and metabolic homeostasis [1, 2], we believe that
the use of bioresonance therapy (BRT) in the treatment of ADN of vascular etiology is a
promising direction. Its medicinal advantages include the ability to cause consistency
of the patient’s body biorhythms with organ biorhythms and with the rhythms of the



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