First experience with vegetative resonance test

First experience with vegetative resonance test

AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I. | Dmitrieva L.V. | Filimonova T.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Experience

Vegetative resonance test (ART) “IMEDIS-TEST” allows the doctor to find the patient’s pathogens and a number of diseases. Applying AIC “IMEDIS-TEST”, a doctor can work independently and in isolation from specialized medical institutions and at the same time achieve high efficiency in treatment. The doctor, working on the “IMEDIS” equipment, determines all the available obvious and hidden, even inherited diseases.

Bioenergetic hazards – geopathogenic, radioactive loads, electromagnetic burdens, layer-by-layer insufficiency of thin structures of connective tissue, parenchymal, Biological and Photonic indices, adaptation reserves and their blocking, vegetative-psychological load, state of the immune system, anabolic and catabolic processes, disorders in the meridians, parasitic burdens, etc., in a word, – from functional to degenerative processes in the human body.

You can choose a drug that is best suited for treating a patient, and even better, create a general bioresonance drug, making the treatment an effective, cheap bioresonance drug with bioresonance ones treatment. The doctor works creatively, passionately and easily and simple. Combination rapia speeds up the process of coping with chronic diseases. They don’t scare him anymore.

Ease of treatment comes with the awareness and development of all the wisdom inherent in the selector. Someone has already grasped this wisdom, and someone else is learning this. I am one of the students. 63 people contacted me for the first time, 45 people of them again and 15 people more than 2 times. Revealed GP load 1-4 tbsp. R / A load EM weights Influence of one and two grids 15 number of people eleven 10 7 % 17% 16.6% eleven% 23.8% 8 people have a combination of more than 3 burdening energy-informational loads.

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