System analysis of the possibilities of color diagnostics and color light therapy in cardiological practice

System analysis of the possibilities of color diagnostics and color light therapy in cardiological practice

AUTHORS : Chernetsova L.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GOU VPO “Izhevsk State Medical Academy” of Roszdrav, Izhevsk, Russia
YEAR : 2009


For millions of years, man was formed and developed in the spectral rhythms of the Sun and the Moon; the rhythmic effects of blue, red and infrared light against the green background of the surrounding nature were evolutionarily significant for the organism. The human body is able to selectively, with a high quality factor, distinguish the frequency of the influencing electromagnetic radiation, light flux, reacting almost instantly by changing the electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram and blood parameters to the effect of the “individual characteristic frequency” [Builin VA, 2001].



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