Using images of glucose concentrations as markers of phase the state of BAP and the pathological process in general

Using images of glucose concentrations as markers of phase the state of BAP and the pathological process in general

AUTHORS : Shovkoplyas Yu.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Branch scientific and practical complex “Health”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

Hardware and software systems developed and manufactured under the guidance of prof. Yu.V. Gotovsky at the IMEDIS Center, allow to objectively reflect all the phase states of a particular human organism, those biological objects with which it is forced to coexist, i.e. helminths, fungi, viruses, etc., create targeted correction programs.

The methodological basis of bioresonance diagnostics is the ability of a doctor-operator to become a so-called “floating zero” and to establish (reflect) certain phase states of patients and other objects with a quality of life in relation to themselves. In certain cases, the patient himself can be this “floating zero” for himself and, thereby, be aware of the unevenness of organ, tissue and other phase displacements within his body.”matter”, as a permanent “something”, at each moment of its development appears before us in its specific (original) forms, and any specific object of observation is reflected by us only against the background of another specific object.

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