The use of vegetative resonance test and bioresonance therapy in diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders

The use of vegetative resonance test and bioresonance therapy in diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders

AUTHORS : Fisun T.G. | Kurochkin A.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Specialized clinical psychiatric hospital, Krasnodar, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Type of Application

Over the past decades, a steady increase in neurotic disorders has been recorded, in the structure of which depressive symptoms prevail. The use of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of these conditions remains the main method. Considering that the consequence psychopharmacotherapy are numerous side effects; in recent years, various additional methods have been proposed for the treatment of neurotic disorders, including bioresonance therapy.

Purpose of work: to study the possibilities of the autonomic resonance test (ART) in the diagnosis of depressive disorders, to study the effectiveness of the use of bioresonance therapy in the treatment of patients with neurotic depressive disorders. Of those surveyed for 2002-2003. using the ART method, 55 patients (men – 17 people aged 27 to 52 years, women – 38 people aged 26 to 55 years) had affective disorders, which, according to the affective pole, belonged to depressive – 100%, were divided into typical – 64%, atypical – 36%, according to the severity of all depressive disorders were non-psychotic.

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