Application of an integrated approach in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis (case from practice)

Application of an integrated approach in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis (case from practice)

AUTHORS : Vasilkovskaya O.V. | Krastev O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Vitamed-plus”, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
YEAR : 2017


Introduction Osteomyelitis (from Greek words: osteo from osteon – “bone”; myelo – “brain”; -itis – “inflammation”) – a purulent-necrotic process that develops in the bone and bone the brain, as well as in the surrounding soft tissues, caused by pyogenicbacteria or mycobacteria.
Osteomyelitis is a purulent infection that affects bone tissue (osteitis),
surrounding bone, periosteum (periostitis), and bone marrow (myelitis). Osteomyelitis
that occurs for the first time is called acute.



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