Talpis L.B

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پزشکی بیورزونانس

به پست وبلاگ ما در مورد “پزشکی بیورزونانس” خوش آمدید – زمینه ای جذاب که اصول پزشکی و رزونانس را با هم ترکیب می کند. در این پست، ما به دنیای شگفت‌انگیز پزشکی بیورزونانس...

سپتامبر 24, 2024By sh Tajik

لمس درمانی

لمس درمانی (Therapeutic touch): با لمس درمانی، یک پزشک میدان انرژی خود را با شما هماهنگ می‌کند تا اختلالات در «جریان انرژی» متعادل شود و قدرت شفابخش بدن شما بتواند آزادانه کار کند. دست‌های...

دسامبر 10, 2023By sh Tajik

مراکز انرژی یا چاکراها کجاست

. مراکز انرژی یا چاکراها (Energy Centers or Chakras): مراکز انرژی یا چاکراها به نقاط معینی در بدن اطلاق می‌شود که به عنوان مراکز تنظیمی انرژی در نظر گرفته می‌شوند. این مراکز معمولاً در نقاط...

نوامبر 21, 2023By sh Tajik

نقطه طب سوزنی چیست؟

فرضیه‌های متعددی در مورد اینکه چه چیزی یک نقطه طب سوزنی (AP) را تشکیل می‌دهد، ارائه شده است و چندین نظریه وجود دارد که مکانیسم‌های احتمالی را در مورد چگونگی کارکرد طب سوزنی پیشنهاد می‌کنند. اگرچه...

نوامبر 21, 2023By sh Tajik

تکنیک های پزشکی جایگزین

تکنیک‌ها و تمرینات مبتنی بر تغییر و تحول بر بدن (Manipulation and body-based practices) . ماساژ (Massage)  . کاپینگ (Cupping) . رفلکسولوژی (Reflexology) . دستکاری کایروپراکتیک یا استئوپاتیک...

نوامبر 2, 2023By sh Tajik

Plane Coil Frequency Wave Therapy

Plane Coil Frequency Wave Therapy AUTHORS : Kudaev1 A.E. | Khodareva 1,2 N.K. | Vinokurov1 V.V. | Barsukova1 L.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Medical Center for Innovative...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Autoimmune diseases and pathogens

Autoimmune diseases and pathogens AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. | Vlasyuk V.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Use of peptides in ART and BRT

Use of peptides in ART and BRT AUTHORS : Postnikova O.A. | Postnikova E.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Homeopathy and Electropuncture Medicine IPK FMBA MH RF, Moscow, Russia...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

The evolution of drug testing

The evolution of drug testing AUTHORS : Gotovsky M.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2017   By a drug test (MT) we mean any...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical cases of relaxation

Clinical cases of relaxation AUTHORS : Murakami H. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : IMC Clinic, Yokohama, Japan YEAR : 2017   It is usually difficult to find the reasons for the...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Benefits of color light therapy

Benefits of color light therapy AUTHORS : Orlov1 Yu.N. | Bocharov2 D.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Rostov-on-Don, 2Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2017  ...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Everyday “exotic”

Everyday “exotic” AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2017   Sharing our experience with colleagues, we all, as a rule, talk...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Anvarul Azim MD RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Doctor Azim”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2017   For many years, at the Doctor Azim LLC clinic, we have been...

سپتامبر 23, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Hahnemann and Beranger

Hahnemann and Beranger AUTHORS : Karpeev A.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : National Council for Homeopathy, Moscow YEAR : 2017   RESUME The essay presents impressions and...

سپتامبر 22, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

An individual-typological (constitutional) approach to nutrition and adequate choice of food products with positions of academic and traditional medicine. Publication 1: Constitutional Approaches to the Body, Causes of Illness and Food Choices in Western Medical Tradition

An individual-typological (constitutional) approach to nutrition and adequate choice of food products with positions of academic and traditional medicine. Publication 1: Constitutional Approaches...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Getting rid of addiction

Getting rid of addiction AUTHORS : Rybko IN. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Kursk, Russia YEAR : 2016   Introduction This work draws your attention to the problem of mind control using...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Variety of energy of the Earth

Variety of energy of the Earth AUTHORS : Troigut H. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Honorary President of the German Energy and Information Society medicine, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany YEAR :...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Conclusions from everyday practice

Conclusions from everyday practice AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2016   When working with patients, there are various situations:...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Curing the incurable

Curing the incurable AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2016   How many of us have pondered the question: why not all diseases can be cured?...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Chakras from the ART perspective

Chakras from the ART perspective AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2016  ...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Health and internal burdens

Health and internal burdens AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2016   The...

سپتامبر 21, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Adaptation reserves and BRT

Adaptation reserves and BRT AUTHORS : Kiriyak A.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2016   In the WHO Health for All by the Year 2000 program the social prerequisites...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Borreliosis, or Lyme disease

Borreliosis, or Lyme disease AUTHORS : Romanov K.S. | Vasilyeva G.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2016   Borreliosis, or...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Microcrystalline arthritis

Microcrystalline arthritis AUTHORS : Kayumova E.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Mozyr, Belarus YEAR : 2016   Microcrystalline arthritis is a group of diseases characterized by the...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Anvarul Azim MD | Anvarul N.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Doctor Azim”, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Research Institute of...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Optimal duration of BRT

Optimal duration of BRT AUTHORS : Islamov B.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Russia YEAR : 2016 The center for...

سپتامبر 20, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Epigenetics and BRT

Epigenetics and BRT AUTHORS : Kiriyak A.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2015   In the twentieth century, geneticists were convinced that genes govern life. In the...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Selected IBBU Statistics 2014

Selected IBBU Statistics 2014 AUTHORS : Leopold K RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : IBBU, Liboch, Austria YEAR : 2015   The IBBU (Institute for Biosensorics and Bioenergy Research) includes...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Personal medicine

Personal medicine AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2015   Every...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Case from practice

Case from practice AUTHORS : Larina V.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Office of energy-informational medicine “ART-Diagnost”, Saratov, Russia YEAR : 2015   Clinical example...

سپتامبر 19, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

40 years of bioresonance

40 years of bioresonance AUTHORS : Scott-Morley E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Poole, UK YEAR : 2014   My first acquaintance with the literature on electropuncture diagnostics by the...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Personality types: electric model

Personality types: electric model AUTHORS : Brief K. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria YEAR : 2014   I. Geometric representations in typology...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Epigenetics and ART

Epigenetics and ART AUTHORS : Andreichenko G.Yu. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vorkuta, Russia YEAR : 2014   At the XIX International Conference on Bioresonance Therapy and the...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Healing with Truth

Healing with Truth AUTHORS : Gritsenko E.G. | Gritsenko A.G. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “MI” Family Health “, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2014   The organic synthesis...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Female and male infertility

Female and male infertility AUTHORS : Sokolov E.I. | Yakovlev P.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for health restoration “KALKHIVI”, Kiev, Ukraine YEAR : 2014  ...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Resonant color therapy

Resonant color therapy AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus YEAR : 2014   From the...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

New about Bach flower essences

New about Bach flower essences AUTHORS : Smyshnikov V.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical and psychological center of individuality on Sadovaya-Karetnaya, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2014...

سپتامبر 17, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Clinical case

Clinical case AUTHORS : Rakhmatullina I.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2014   A 9-year-old patient came to the Center with...

سپتامبر 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

A New Approach to Allergy Treatment

A New Approach to Allergy Treatment AUTHORS : Kempe N | Leopold K. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Liboch, Austria YEAR : 2014   Compared to more recent times, we have to increasingly...

سپتامبر 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Low back pain in adolescents

Low back pain in adolescents AUTHORS : Nikiforova G.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Regional Clinical Hospital named after M. I. Kalinin, Samara, Russia YEAR : 2014   Low back pain...

سپتامبر 16, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders AUTHORS : Fenyutina T.V. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia YEAR : 2013   The medical profession at all times and among all...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow AUTHORS : Razvodovskaya L.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Vladivostok, Russia YEAR : 2013   How, at the present time, when everything is constantly...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Observations in daily work

Observations in daily work AUTHORS : Orlov Yu.N. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov-on-Don, Russia YEAR : 2013   In everyday practice, one has to observe completely unusual phenomena...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Know the enemy by sight

Know the enemy by sight AUTHORS : Kirillov-Gogolev E.F. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Volgograd, Russia YEAR : 2013   The virus is a difficult enigma for modern medicine, because it...

سپتامبر 15, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

Psychologist in drug examination

Psychologist in drug examination AUTHORS : Petrakova T.I. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Clinical Psychology, M.V. A.I. Evdokimova, Moscow, Russia...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

CMV infection. Practice notes

CMV infection. Practice notes AUTHORS : Staritskaya N.P. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE “VitaLife”, Dzerzhinsk, Republic of Belarus YEAR : 2013   Working in information...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

New approaches to acne therapy

New approaches to acne therapy AUTHORS : Kudasheva A.R. | Teregulova Z.S. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GBOU HPE “Bashkir State Medical University” Ministry of Health of Russia, Ufa, Russia...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba

BIT is based on patient focus

BIT is based on patient focus AUTHORS : Peyer H RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Switzerland YEAR : 2013   Operating principle biophysical information therapy (BIT) is focused on the...

سپتامبر 14, 2022By Bioresonance Toba