Use of the lizard regeneration drug in treatment and rehabilitation trauma

Use of the lizard regeneration drug in treatment and rehabilitation trauma

AUTHORS : Koritsky O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE “Medicor-2”, Vinnitsa, Ukraine
YEAR : 2008


In 2006, together with K.N. Mkhitaryan developed a preparation for lizard regeneration, which was recorded using a laser probe designed by A.E. Kudaev.
The drug is a homaccord 40 days of lizard tail regeneration. As conceived by the authors, the drugs should initiate genetic programs for tissue regeneration,
which are available in amphibians and, for sure, in humans in a “sleeping” form. According to the logic of research and preparation of the drug, it should be used
for various organic damage to the human body. It must eliminate damage to connective, muscle, bone tissue and significantly accelerate the reparative
processes in the human body.



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