Diagnostic capabilities of the hardware and software complex “IMEDIS-VOLL” for diseases of the thyroid gland

Diagnostic capabilities of the hardware and software complex “IMEDIS-VOLL” for diseases of the thyroid gland

AUTHORS : Pirtskhalava T.G. | Papashvili L.L. | Turmanidze D.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : TSMU, Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Department of Traditional Medicine, Tbilisi, Georgia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Educational

The widespread occurrence of thyroid gland (thyroid) diseases in the Republic of Georgia makes the issue of their early diagnosis, prevention and treatment urgent. The introduction into clinical practice of new, modern, non-invasive diagnostic methods gives the doctor the opportunity to quickly, accurately and at the lowest cost for the patient, conduct his full examination and outline the optimal treatment plan [1]. One of such wide-profile, high-precision and highly efficient systems is the hardware-software complex “IMEDIS-FALL” (firm “IMEDIS”) [2].The purpose of this work was to reveal the diagnostic capabilities of this complex in diseases of the thyroid gland using objective research methods.

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