Drug Testing (Optimization Ways)

Drug Testing (Optimization Ways)

AUTHORS : Semendyaeva M.E. | Aleshina T.V. | Matveev G.N. | Barulina I.F.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinical Hospital No. 83 FMBA RF, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2006


In 1954, R. Voll (Germany) discovered the phenomenon of “testing medicines”, H. Schimmel (Germany, 1978) improved this method. In Russia, along
with R. Voll’s method, the vegetative resonance test, modified by Yu.V. Gotovsky. 12 years of experience in the use of individual selection of drug therapy
made it possible to create an algorithm for drug testing. The study must be carried out with the consent of the patient.
On the eve of the proposed drug testing, all medications must be canceled
in 2 days.



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