Medicinal plants used in traditional medicine for the treatment of cancer

Medicinal plants used in traditional medicine for the treatment of cancer

AUTHORS :  Smirnova Yu.A. |  Kiseleva T.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Homeopathy and Naturotherapy of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center of Traditional
methods of diagnostics and treatment of Roszdrav, Moscow
YEAR : 2005


The modern range of uses of useful plants (primarily edible and medicinal) is based mainly on practical experience accumulated over many centuries and even millennia.
The first information about attempts to use plants for malignant neoplasms, as well as for the vast majority of diseases that a person has encountered, are found in ancient times. In Egyptian papyri dating back to 3730 BC. there are indications of the possibility of malignant tumors and methods of their treatment. Mentions of neoplasms and their treatment with medicinal plants are also found in the oldest literary sources of ancient Russia, China, India and other countries. This method of fighting
cancer remained the main one until the 18th century. [4].



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