Comparative analysis of the development of classical and homeopathic pharmacy

Comparative analysis of the development of classical and homeopathic pharmacy

AUTHORS : Korvyakova O.A. | Kiseleva E.V. | Nedobega E.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Krasnodar Regional Center of Homeopathy, Krasnodar
YEAR : 2008


The aim of this study was to study the prerequisites and main stages of the development of homeopathic pharmacy from the point of view of a systematic approach. Since the established scientific fact is the emergence of “classical” pharmacy within classical
medicine, it is logical to assume that homeopathic pharmacy arose in the same way. Consequently,
considering classical medicine and homeopathy as “mother” systems, one can find out at what stage
of their development and by virtue of what the division of the “mother” system into medicine and
pharmacy takes place. Key words: homeopathy, homeopathic pharmacy, pharmacy.


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