The use of ART in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases

The use of ART in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases

AUTHORS : Spitsyna S.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia
YEAR : 2009


Allergic diseases occupy one of the leading places among the problems of modern medicine. In terms of prevalence, they occupy the 3rd place. The difficulty
in treating allergic diseases is that these diseases are multifaceted. Almost all patients with one form or another of allergic manifestations have a set of
problems. The formation of an allergic disease is based on an allergic reaction – an antigen-antibody conflict, i.e. an important role in the development of the disease
belongs to atopy. But, in addition to the main reason, these diseases arise and are supported by a whole complex of pathogenic factors, both exogenous and
endogenous. The most significant pathogenic factors in the development of
allergies are as follows:



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