Influence of information transfer and weak electromagnetic effects on complexation in the system polymer – polymer low molecular weight mediator

Influence of information transfer and weak electromagnetic effects on complexation in the system polymer – polymer low molecular weight mediator

AUTHORS :  Kopylov A.I. |  Paltova E.V. |  Gotovsky Yu.V. |  Denisov S.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MGUDT, Center “IMEDIS”, Center for Informatics “Gamma -7”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004


Each chemical compound has an inherent electromagnetic field structure. In biological systems, complex interconnected and clearly coordinated biochemical
processes take place both at the material and field levels. Many reactions go through the stages of complexation (DNA-protein-enzyme-vitamin…, etc.). These
processes are difficult to study and usually take place at the molecular nano level. The role of electromagnetic fields (EMF) is difficult to assess.
Model systems for studying these complex processes can be simpler polymer – polymer complexes with a low-molecular-weight mediator.



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