Computer electroacupuncture in the treatment of bronchial asthma and syndrome irritable bowel: dependence of effects on parameters electrostimulation

Computer electroacupuncture in the treatment of bronchial asthma and syndrome irritable bowel: dependence of effects on parameters electrostimulation

AUTHORS : Chistyakova N.P. | Khokhlov M.P. | Peskov A.B. | Klimova N.N. | Chumak S.N. | Osipova E.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GUZ “Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Hospital”, Ulyanovsk
YEAR : 2009


Computerized electroacupuncture (CEAP) is successfully used in the treatment of a number of diseases of internal organs, including bronchial asthma
(BA) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As a rule, the selection of parameters for electroacupuncture stimulation of biologically active points (BAP) is empirical. The results of studies in this area do not provide convincing evidence of the benefits of
certain characteristics of BAP stimulation.



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