Restoration of blood parameters and properties in the treatment of acute community-acquired pneumonia

Restoration of blood parameters and properties in the treatment of acute community-acquired pneumonia

AUTHORS : Bessarabov O.V.  | Kovtun T.F.  | Avseenko V.E.  | Pisareva E.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Medicine of the Future”, Kaliningrad, Russia
YEAR : 2021 | Category : Research

“Any theory can be tested by experience …” Albert Einstein

World Immunity Day is celebrated annually on March 1 in the world. Unfortunately, all major programs and areas of work of WHO in relation to maintaining immunity are associated with the development of new vaccines and antibiotics. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has shown the world that this activity has led to a crisis in the global health care system.

In this regard, we would like to remind you that in addition to COVID-19, there are other negative trends in the growth of the crisis in the global healthcare system in the world. Every year 48.9 million people contract sepsis. In 2017, 11 million people died from sepsis. Most of these deaths were due to infection with nosocomial infections after receiving medical attention. One person dies from sepsis every 3 seconds in the world.

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