Preparation of psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to assess the experience of involving subjects in Consumption of Controlled Substances by ART: Five Years Experience

Preparation of psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to assess the experience of involving subjects in Consumption of Controlled Substances by ART: Five Years Experience

AUTHORS : Kruk V.M. | Oleinikova A.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2016


Vegetative resonance test (ART) since the early 2000s. is used as a method of probabilistic diagnostics for testing
(ART) of members of organized groups to identify users of controlled substances (mainly narcotic and drug-containing) [6].
For a number of years, the authors of the article have been training representatives of various structures, mainly with
medical and psychological education, incl. to solve such a problem using the methods implemented in the equipment of the
IMEDIS Center [1–3, 5]. Since 2012, psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have been regularly trained for
this (up to 30 people annually). In 2012, the adapted software (software) “IMEDIS-EXPERT for psychologists” was prepared
(certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2013610241).



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