The use of water irradiated with low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations for the prevention of microbiological contamination

Treatment of late vascular complications in patients with postcoid syndrome

AUTHORS : Salia N.T.  | Boqueria L.A.  | Boqueria O. L.  | Gapochka M.G.  | Kornilov A.A.  | Vysotsky V.I. | Gaidamak S.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : FSBI “NMITs SSH im. A.N.Bakuleva of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “,Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia;Kiev National University. T. Shevchenko, Kiev,Ukraine
YEAR : 2021 | Category : Educational

It is well known that the risk of contracting infectious diseases increases sharply when people are in public places, in rooms intended for long-term stay of large groups (children’s institutions, schools, public institutions, medical institutions, train stations, etc.). This fact is of particular relevance in a pandemic. In such places, airborne and direct contact are the main causes of infection associated with the transfer of microflora through direct contact with contaminated surfaces.

To prevent the latter mechanism of transmission of infection and the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, aggressive disinfection methods are used using various chemical disinfectants, in particular formaldehyde or sodium hypochlorite, as well as solutions of organic substances, with disinfecting properties: chlorhexidine, peracetic acid. Very often used disinfectant aqueous solutions of hypochlorous acid and its salt, chlorine dioxide and monochloramine in various concentrations.

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