New patterns in the functioning of the body

New patterns in the functioning of the body

AUTHORS : Vorozhbit V.U.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

The pathogenesis of internal organs is based on viral etiology, tropism of infection, systematic functioning, considered from the standpoint of information wave fields. The most important stages in the development of energy-informational medicine include: the first is the transition from the mechanical Newtonian theory of explaining the essence of the phenomena of the material world to Einstein’s wave-corpuscular theory.

The most complex processes occurring in the body in classical medicine are considered only from the corpuscular side or from the standpoint of neuro-humoral factors. The attitude to wave processes, which make up the second half of Einstein’s law and are an integral part of a living organism, due to the lack of scientific substantiation, still remain in the shadows and are not always accepted by classical medicine.

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