Influence of bioresonance therapy on the metabolism of connective tissue biopolymers in patients and convalescents of HFRS

Influence of bioresonance therapy on the metabolism of connective tissue biopolymers in patients and convalescents of HFRS

AUTHORS : Chernetsova L.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Research

Connective tissue is the arena where almost all inflammatory processes in the body take place, which functions between the organ and cellular levels. One of the criteria objectifying the activity of inflammation in HFRS may be the state of the intercellular substance or the intercellular matrix, consisting of fibrous structures (collagen and elastic fibers) and the main substance: proteoglycans and glycoproteins (L.I.Slutsky, 1969; V.V. Serov et al., 1981; S.B. Mokhnacheva, 1997, O.I. Lekomtseva, 1999).

The specificity of the clinical picture of HFRS is largely determined by the severity of renal pathology, the manifestations of which can vary from minor changes in urinary sediment to the development of severe acute renal failure (ZI Roshchupkin, 1977; BZ Sirotin, 1979). In the morphological description of the kidneys in patients with HFRS, many authors note significant damage to the connective tissue structures, characterized by significant edema and homogenization of loose connective tissue, pronounced disintegration of collagen fibers and the formation of areas of nephrosclerosis (T.A. Bashkirev, 1979; M.I. Petrichko et al., 1991; J. Lahdevirta, 1971).

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