Case from practice

Case from practice

AUTHORS : Kuznetsova S.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia
YEAR : 2006


Patient A., 6 years old, turned to CEIM on October 29, 2004 with complaints of cramping abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting of the color of coffee grounds mixed
with mucus, constipation for up to 3 days, daily bouts of heat and aches throughout the body, restless sleep. According to the parents, for 5 years, 2 times a year, the child
was hospitalized with a diagnosis of “Chronic gastroduodenitis. JVP. Neuro-arthritic diathesis. Intolerance to protein products “. For the last 2 years I had ARVI every



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