Play vocal therapy as a tool for social and psychological adaptation and general recovery

Play vocal therapy as a tool for social and psychological adaptation and general recovery

AUTHORS : Eremina N.I. | Samsonova G.O. | Shusharjan R.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific Center for Music Therapy and Restorative Technologies, Moscow,
Russia; European Academy of Music Therapy, Bulgaria; FGBU RSC
MRiK Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2015


Strengthening the psychological and physical health of a child is the primary task of the state, since it is known that 75% of all human diseases are laid in childhood.
The World Health Organization has defined health as a state of “complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and
physical defects” [2]. The Research Center for Music Therapy and Restorative Technologies is
actively pursuing innovative activities to develop health-preserving and developing



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