A new methodological approach to the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis

A new methodological approach to the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis

AUTHORS :  Rozin B.D.|  Rozin D.G.

YEAR : 2007


As shown in our previous work [1], the use of the L.B. Makhonkina and I.M. Sazonova “Morphology, potential of malignancy, anticancer resistance” [2] allows
the selection of homeopathic remedies based on the morphological scale. When examining 46 patients of different sex, aged 25 to 76 years with
clinically confirmed diagnoses of urolithiasis, it was possible to find common patterns in the approach to the treatment of this disease. The search for such
drainage drugs in the interictal period often did not lead to a successful cure of the patient.



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