Experience in the treatment of chronic urogenital pathology

Experience in the treatment of chronic urogenital pathology

AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PCDC, chief physician, Ph.D. Tireshko V.N., Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Type of application

Experience of work for 4.5 years in the office of reflexology and bioresonance therapy allows us to note the urgency of such a problem as chronic urogenital infections. 78% of all patients who applied to the office had this pathology. Clinical diagnoses were different: acute and chronic endometritis, adnexitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, infertility, chr. conjunctivitis, uveitis, Reiter’s disease, heart pain, asthenic syndrome, and there is only one reason – a chronic urogenital infection. During testing, chlamydia was most often (95%), and more than half (54%) were generalized forms.

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