BRT in endocrinology

BRT in endocrinology

AUTHORS : Popova E.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

Currently, the number of patients suffering from one or another endocrine disorder is increasing. Why is this problem so common? Lack of iodine in soil, water, products in a number of regions of our country contributes to the development of one of the most common diseases – endemic goiter. Samara region is also classified as endemic districts. The prevalence of endocrine diseases is also promoted by unfavorable environmental factors – nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, benzene bases. Some drugs used uncontrolled and asymptomatic can also be predisposing factors for endocrine disorders.

Finally, radionucleides entering the atmosphere and soil, electromagnetic and geopathogenic effects are additional factors contributing to an increase in the incidence of the endocrine system. Diseases of the thyroid gland constitute a special group. This is due to its special role in the regulation of all endocrine organs. One of the most common thyroid disorders is autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) and euthyroid nodular goiter. According to Professor Kholodova, AIT is most common in women.

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