Respiratory function in patients with exertional angina and its dynamics under the influence of laser reflexology

Respiratory function in patients with exertional angina and its dynamics under the influence of laser reflexology

AUTHORS : Sapozhnikov1 M.Yu. | Lyubtsev2 V.B.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary,2
Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and
balneology, Moscow
YEAR : 2011


SUMMARY The aim of the study was to study the state of the function of external respiration in patients with exertional angina and the effect of laser reflexotherapy on it. The material of the study was 348 patients with ischemic heart disease, which constituted the main (251 people) group and the comparison group (97 patients). The groups were matched by sex, age, social composition, presence of concomitant and past diseases and were on basic drug therapy.



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