Hypertension treatment

Hypertension treatment

AUTHORS : Hovsepyan A.A. | Machanyan A.S.

YEAR : 2009


Patient V.S., 53 years old. She contacted us on 20.02.2005 about obesity, high blood pressure, headaches, most often occipital and temporal localization; in the
morning or at the end of the working day, a feeling of heaviness in the head. Pain is usually worse when lying down and is better after walking. HELL – 210/140, which during the day, according to the patient, fluctuated up to 230 and 90 units. Since the tone of the arteries and arterioles is associated with the
sympathetic division of the ANS, we will be interested, first of all, in the reason for
the increase in sympathetic tone, which in patients with hypertension should
always be of several degrees, can be absolute or relative



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