The use of Shlemnik Baikal extract as a geriatric funds for the treatment of patients with discirculatory encephalopathy

The use of Shlemnik Baikal extract as a geriatric funds for the treatment of patients with discirculatory encephalopathy

AUTHORS : Namsaraeva G.T. | Bakhanov E.M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Buryat branch of the Irkutsk state advanced training institute
doctors, Republican Clinical Hospital for War Veterans, Ulan-Ude
YEAR : 2003


For stage I discirculatory encephalopathy, an extract from the roots of Scutellaria baikalis (ESB) was used on an outpatient basis. We examined 29 patients aged 50
to 75 years who received ESB at a dose of 0.5 g, 2 times a day for 45 days. Subjective complaints, characteristics of the asthenoneurotic symptom complex
and the results of neuropsychological memory testing were assessed in dynamics. It has been shown that ESB is well tolerated by patients and has a beneficial effect
on general well-being, emotional-affective sphere and mnestic functions.



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