Improving the effectiveness of treatment with new homacords

Improving the effectiveness of treatment with new homacords

AUTHORS : Beisembaev E.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “BioTest-Optima”, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
YEAR : 2016


Homotoxicologists say that in homaccords, different dilutions of the same drug act simultaneously. In our textbook on homeopathy (1999), we proved that
homacords always act consistently to decrease, i.e. to relieve hyperergic reactions, to reduce fat intolerance or to reduce allergic reactions. A homeopath can give, for example, Apis 200, but he will not help. If the doctor applies lowering the dilution
of the homeopathic remedy, taken one after the other, then the effect comes
quickly. The principle of hyposensitization is applied here



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