Growth and development of young sterlet under bioresonance exposure

Growth and development of young sterlet under bioresonance exposure

AUTHORS : Avakova A. | Salkov M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : FSUE “Temryuk sturgeon fish hatchery”, Russia
YEAR : 2012


The best investments known to mankind are investments in their own health and active longevity. It is known that according to this indicator, those people, in whose diet fish predominates, compare favorably. Most fish and other seafood are consumed by the inhabitants of Japan, where for
each person there are 60 or more kilograms per year. In Russia, per capita fish consumption is now about 17–18 kg per year. The fish farmers are faced with the task of increasing the production of competitive products, incl. sturgeon fish species. Artificial production of caviar, its incubation, rearing
of fry for subsequent release into natural reservoirs



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