Using the method of vegetative resonance test and bioresonance therapy for identification of etiological factors and treatment of infertility

Using the method of vegetative resonance test and bioresonance therapy for identification of etiological factors and treatment of infertility

AUTHORS : Pilyushenko E.V. | Kolesnik N.V. | Savelyeva N.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MUZ Perm Central Regional Hospital, Perm, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Type of Application

According to various authors, recently there have been more frequent cases of referrals for infertility. If earlier the frequency of this pathology was about 15%, then in recent years it has increased to 28-30%. Infertility is the inability of a mature organism to conceive. A marriage is considered sterile if a woman does not become pregnant within a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraception. In 40% of cases, the cause of infertility is the pathology of the reproductive system in a woman, in 40% in a man, in 30% in both spouses.

The equipment available on the basis of the reflexology department of the Perm Central Regional Hospital allows examining men and women to identify the etiological factor leading to the development of infertility, as well as correcting the identified violations, The method of vegetative resonance test (ART) allows not only to identify changes in internal organs and determine pathogenic factors, but due to the use of the principle of filtration (measurement of resonance when frequency characteristics are superimposed on one another), it allows to establish the causal relationship of the pathological process (i.e., it is possible to establish, for example, which infectious agent causes the inflammatory process; what caused the violation of ovulation – hormonal shifts or a prolonged inflammatory process in the ovaries; violation of the secretion of which hormone gives a general violation of the hormonal balance in the body, etc.).

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