Biofunctional diagnostics in patients with atopic dermatitis

Biofunctional diagnostics in patients with atopic dermatitis

AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Chilingirov R.Kh. | Leskin G.S. | Molochkov V.A. | Lezvinskaya E. M. | Abaeva L.F.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky,Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow,Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Educational

Currently, in the formation of atopic dermatitis (ATD), the leading role is given to the allergic factor. Among the various types of allergens in the etiopathogenesis of ATD, food allergens are in the foreground. It is not uncommon to observe the onset of the disease in infancy in connection with the transition to artificial feeding, which, according to many factors, several times more often contributes to the development of ATD than in children who were naturally breastfed. At a later age, in the etiopathogenesis of ATD, a number of allergic factors are isolated.

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