The role of classical homeopathy in the practice of ART – BRT. On the question of constitution and repertorization

The role of classical homeopathy in the practice of ART – BRT. On the question of constitution and repertorization

AUTHORS : Akaeva1 T.V. | Bobrov I.A. | Bizyaev P.D. | Vasilkovskaya3 O.V. | Mkhitaryan2 K.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1SSC RF Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, 2Center “IMEDIS”,
Moscow, Russia; clinic3Vitamed, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
YEAR : 2016


Summary The analysis of the current state of constitutional homeopathy within the framework of its use in bioresonance therapy (BRT) under the control of the
autonomic resonance test (ART) is given. A strict concept of a homeopathic constitution is formulated, a corresponding description of a constitutional
homeopathic remedy is given. The article offers ART methods that allow to identify
a constitutional homeopathic remedy from among several repertorized ones.



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