Analysis of the activities of the Homeopathic Service of the Krasnodar Territory for the period 1997-2008

Analysis of the activities of the Homeopathic Service of the Krasnodar Territory for the period 1997-2008

AUTHORS : Korvyakova O.A. | Oleinik A.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Krasnodar Regional Center of Homeopathy, Krasnodar
YEAR : 2010

homeopathic method of treatment and the implementation of homeopathic medicines in the Krasnodar Territory. To determine the current situation, an analysis was made of the activities of the Krasnodar Regional Center for Homeopathy for the period 1997-2008. Medical and educational activities, the nomenclature of suppliers of homeopathic medicines, the range and structure of sold homeopathic medicines were studied, the composition of buyers was analyzed. The priority direction
was the study of the production activities of the center, during which a tendency was revealed in the distribution of produced and sold homeopathic medicines among doctors, hospitals and the population of the region. Analysis of statistical data showed that the homeopathic method of treatment is developing rather steadily on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, the demand for homeopathic preparations is growing, but there is a redistribution of their implementation from
medical practitioners towards various groups of the population.



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