Prevention and treatment of major pathological conditions with the help of an individual anti-stress drug

Prevention and treatment of major pathological conditions with the help of an individual anti-stress drug

AUTHORS : Dudoladov V.V. | Sobotovich S.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Marine State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy, LPC “SYNERGY”, Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2009


The idea presented in the article is to create and use an individual anti-stress drug without side effects. As you know, the main generalized
nonspecific reaction of the body to the action of various factors is stress. It is characterized by staged nonspecific changes in the body, activation of
protective processes and an increase in its general resistance with a possible subsequent decrease in it and the development of pathological
processes, diseases and disease states. In the process of development of a stress reaction, stages are conventionally distinguished – anxiety,



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