Directions of development of bioinformation technologies in poultry farming

Directions of development of bioinformation technologies in poultry farming

AUTHORS : Avakova A.G. | Gotovsky Yu.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : North Caucasian Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Krasnodar, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Data

In the article, based on the analysis of achievements in the field and technologies, directions of application of this industrial poultry farming are outlined. information technology in Russia occupies a leading position in the development of information technologies, which are based on the work of electromagnetic fields. Controlling a living organism by means of targeted exposure to signals of a chemical nature and ultra-weak radiation of physical fields of a certain structure essentially belongs to the category of information technologies.

The highly effective effect of superweak radiation is associated with the induction of physiological and biochemical processes, which causes phenotypic activation of productivity and resistance of biological objects. The use of superweak radiation on biological objects, exhibiting a modification effect, does not lead to a change in the genome of the organism, but causes its expression only for the period of ontogenesis [8].

Interest in the study of regulation processes in biological systems, especially after the publication of Norbert Wiener’s book “Cybernetics” in 1948, laid the foundation for a new science about the general laws of the structure of control systems and the principles of control in living nature, in society and in technology. The phenomenon of electropuncture testing of medicines (FETM), discovered by R. Voll in 1954, formed the basis for the creation of a bioresonance technology for diagnostics and therapy in medicine.

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