Clinical aspects of the therapeutic effect on the complement system human

Clinical aspects of the therapeutic effect on the complement system human

AUTHORS : Igonin A.A. | Lazareva N.B.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, M.A.
THEM. Sechenov, Moscow
YEAR : 2009


The search for new drugs of natural origin with fundamentally different mechanisms of action is due to the limited effectiveness of drugs created by
chemical synthesis. Induction of a cascade of reactions of the complement system refers to one of the central links of innate immunity, which promotes the activation of leukocytes, facilitates phagocytosis of microbes, and is also directly involved in the elimination of extracellular pathogens. Purified human C1-esterase inhibitor (C1I) in high doses has organoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. The work uses a fundamentally new way of studying the mechanism of action of drugs, which has certain prospects in the study of the mechanisms of action of drugs of natural origin.



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