The importance of staging rehabilitation in increasing efficiency bioresonance therapy in persons with neurostomatological diseases and concomitant pathology

The importance of staging rehabilitation in increasing efficiency bioresonance therapy in persons with neurostomatological diseases and concomitant pathology

AUTHORS : Orlov M.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Stavropol State Medical Academy, Stavropol, Russia
YEAR : 2013


Electro-acupuncture diagnostics gives the doctor the opportunity to identify a large layer of problems in the patient’s body already at the initial appointment.
The holistic approach is based on the fact that any disease, as a deviation to one degree or another from the state of homeostasis, is a consequence of the
accumulation in the human body, in its bioenergy-informational structure, of an increasing number of burdens (toxic, viral, bacterial, parasitic, etc.) ). The
appearance of disharmonious fluctuations in the system introduces discord, both in the energetics and in the biochemical reactions of the cellular level. The causes
of failures can be multiple not only pathogenic factors of the material level, but also informational loads on a person, including stress. Often, going deeper in
particular, the general picture is missed, which slows down the healing process,
achieving a stable remission.



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