Historical and modern aspects of Ayurveda

Historical and modern aspects of Ayurveda

AUTHORS : Semenova L.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : FGU Russian Scientific Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
YEAR : 2013


RESUME The survey highlights issues of the history of the emergence, spread and development of philosophy “Sankhya”. The philosophical foundations of Ayurveda and their expressions in ancient medical treatises areexamined. Scientific parallels between Ayurvedic teachings and
contemporary research in the field of biology are conducted. Basic terms of the constitutional Ayurvedic types diagnostics and the principles of the practical application of method in everyday life and medical rehabilitation are explained. The modern aspects of Ayurvedic
education, dissemination and application of traditional medical systems, prospects and the
main directions of the study of Ayurvedic are analyzed.



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