Experience in the application of the phenomenon of information transfer in viticulture when creating transfer preparations of biologically active substances to increase the productivity of plantations

Experience in the application of the phenomenon of information transfer in viticulture when creating transfer preparations of biologically active substances to increase the productivity of plantations

AUTHORS : Matuzok N.V. | Troshin L.P. | Olkhovatov E.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin “, Krasnodar, Russia
YEAR : 2017


The demand for environmentally friendly raw materials and food products, which is available in modern society, requires producers of agricultural products to
create new technologies, the use of which in the national economy will allow them to obtain safe products and preserve them with a minimum cost of resources,
labor and time. As a result, this promises to result in a significant reduction in the
cost of production and an increase in the economic efficiency of its production,
which makes search work in this direction relevant [1].



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