The effectiveness of bioresonance therapy and acupuncture in the treatment of neuro-ophthalmic diseasesAnvarul

The effectiveness of bioresonance therapy and acupuncture in the treatment of neuro-ophthalmic diseases

AUTHORS : Anvarul Azim1 MD | Lazarashvili2 N.A. | Kuznetsova3 T.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1LLC “Doctor Azim” 2FSBI “NII MT” RAMS, 3eye clinic LLC “Center FIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2014


Neuroophthalmology is a branch of neurology that studies the visual pathways and visual centers of the brain. The problem of the relationship between eye
movements and perceptual functions of vision was clearly expressed in the works of I.M. Sechenov in the last century. In the subsequent development of the concepts of perception, this problem caused a lot of controversy and has retained its controversy to this day. At the same time, the discussion of the central issue of the so-called “constructive” function of movements did not lead the researchers to a unanimous opinion.
The positive experience in the use of energy-information technologies,
especially bioresonance therapy (BRT) and acupuncture (acupuncture), opens up a
fundamentally new direction in ophthalmology.



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